Service and repairs
Covering protects your machine and the operator.
However, the guards also need to be protected and kept in good working order.
We are prepared to provide technical assistance in the maintenance of internal guard systems of the machines and devices.
Service on customer premises
No machine can work efficiently without fast, high-quality service.
Do you need to remove a defect on your machine guards anywhere?
No problem for us. Just call or write with your requirements.
Our servicemen are prepared to set out and remove the defect in the shortest possible time.
We are fully equipped for dealing with these demanding requirements.
- Fully equipped service vans arrive directly on the customer's premises
- Technicians are prepared to set out at any time to remove the defect
- We offer:
- Service directly on the customer's premises – the defect will be removed by expertly trained workers with long experience in the production and repair of telescopic guards
- Inspection of the guards' technical conditions without being removed from the equipment, with recommendation of subsequent checks and scheduled repairs
- Repairs and service of damaged components during the customer downtime, with potential reduction of the downtime
- Training of machine operators in guards delivered by our company, thus prolonging the life of these guards and restricting subsequent faults
- Training of maintenance workers in the handling, replacement, and adjustment of new guards in order to reduce downtime and risks of damage
- Creation of procedures for simple repairs, preventive checks, and replacement of wiping profile
- Measurement of guards directly on your machine with subsequent design and production of new guards without idle time in production
- Installation of new and repaired guards
- Design of telescopic guards for your existing machine by application of a sophisticated measuring system without need for drawings, CAD models or samples supplied by you
- Production of new guards according to a sample supplied by you
- We guarantee saved time and money for you, given timely order placement
- Post-warranty service and repairs of telescopic guards by us or other producers.

We look after our customers with utmost care. If you have a question, suggestion, or comment, please do not hesitate to contact us.